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Monday, January 1, 2018

Why Application Development For The DoD Matters

By Laura Bennett

It became clear in the US Government that further involvement in developing technological ways of reaching out to people in the public to provide them with various services and information was necessary. That is why President Barack Obama launched what would become a huge strategy leading to application development for the DoD. This has made the work of this department more efficient and accessible to people who need the information.

By welcoming this change into the digital realm and using tools like apps to reach out to more people, this department and many other departments in the government have found new and more efficient ways of getting the right data to the people who need it. There have been a number of legislations as well as directives that have helped keep this in motion over the years. The overall aim of this effort is to help developers and researchers do their jobs better.

There is an app gallery for the Department of Defense that is a very useful resource for anyone who wants to know all that is out there. Many of the apps that were created meet many of the needs of the public. It is a great way for anyone who needs this type of information to get it in a convenient and comprehensive way.

In the technology world, there are things called APIs, which stands for application programming interfaces. In basic terms, these interfaces are what allow two programs to speak to each other in a way, and allow the user to remain on one website to complete an action. There are seven government official APIs that are dedicated to this data.

The Internet is a great way to find many great services, and this is the way that this department is helping to serve the public as well. It has never been easier to learn more about what services they offer. A registered website list can be easily found on the department's website.

Anything that the Department of Defense is involved with is going to have the highest security methods in place. The guide for security requirements when it comes to mobile apps is something that this department strictly adheres to. In addition to this, developers are trained on-site by certified professionals to make sure that they know all the threats out there.

Having all of the services that people need and all the data that developers are interested in is only half the battle. All of this data and these services are useless if they are not backed up by an interface that is comprehensive and easy to access. The average person needs to be able to get to what they need, and that is the aim of the Department of Defense.

This department is always open to answer questions that people may have because they want everyone who is interested to be informed in what new apps are being developed and how they are being used to serve the public. There are plenty of resources online to answer questions. They can also be reached by email.

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